What holidays in December 2025 ?

December Holidays

If there is a month that is most synonymous with holidays, special occasions and spreading goodwill to all and sundry, then December wins that contest hands down. In particular though, December 2025 is so replete with holidays, festivals and days of commemoration that there is barely a handful of the 31 days which do not have a special holiday designation or another.

Of course Christmas, this time falling on the last Monday of the year is the most significant of the holidays in December 2025. The Jewish festival of Hanukah starts on December 12th and ends on December 20th. December 21st is the day of the Winter Solstice, the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere. Other official holidays of note in December 2025 include the World Aids Day (December 1), Pearl Harbor Remembrance (December 7) and the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (December 2).

In keeping with our tradition of offering you a reason to celebrate and exchange gifts on any day of the year, we have an eclectic mix of fun, quaint and astounding holidays lined up in our all-inclusive December 2025 holidays calendar. For instance, December 1 is the globally designated "Taming the Shrew Day". There will also be plenty of opportunities for those who wish to indulge in some truancy and bad behavior with such days as "Immoral Acts Day" (December 3), "The Unhinged Day" (December 4) and "Sin Indulging Day" (December 5) all occurring within rapid succession of each other. And you will be spoilt for choice on what pranks to pull out on December 20, our official "Day Without Word 'No'" in 2025!

But December is decidedly the month of spreading love to all, unrequited or otherwise. Take your pick of love and charity themed December holidays from the "Unknown Love Affairs Day" (December 12), "Erotic Messages Day" (December 15), "Late Love Day" (December 4) to "Random Act of Kindness Day" (December 26). There is also the mandatory "Sex under the Christmas Tree Day" (December 25 of course) and even a specially designated "Neighbor's Wife Day" (December 8).

Lastly, if you have been looking for an excuse to perform a prank or reach out to someone in an out of the usual way, take the DiY opportunity offered on December 2, designated "The Day When It" to perform it.

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