Presidents’ Day 2025

When is Presidents’ Day 2018?

President’s Day in 2018 is on
Monday, 19th of Feb (2/19/2018).

When is Presidents’ Day 2019?

President’s Day in 2019 is on
Monday, 18th of Feb (2/18/2019).

Why we celebrate Presidents’ Day?

It was in 1880 the first time this holiday was celebrated and it was the first federal holiday to honor an American citizen. The holiday honors the accomplishments of the man known as “The Father of his History”, celebrated for his leadership in the founding of the nation, This day is also an opportunity to honor the office of the Presidency, instead of a particular president, that is why Washington’s Birthday is also known as Presidents’ Day.

In addition, the February 12 birthday of Abraham Lincoln the President during the Civil War (1861-1865), was a holiday in more states.
Congress declared to honor all past presidents of the United States a holiday to be called President’ Day.

What Do People Do?

People congratulate each other with postcards. In cities, large parades are held. Some stores arrange sales and special offers for the holiday.

How to Celebrate?

This is a holiday for schools, government workers, and banks. The rest of US need to work.

President’s Day Observances

List of dates for other years

Weekday Day Year Holiday Type
Mon Feb 19 2018 Presidents’ Day Federal Holiday
Mon Feb 18 2019 Presidents’ Day Federal Holiday
Mon Feb 17 2020 Presidents’ Day Federal Holiday
Mon Feb 15 2021 Presidents’ Day Federal Holiday
Mon Feb 21 2022 Presidents’ Day Federal Holiday

President’s Day Video

President’s Day Cards

List of Common Holidays in 2018

Name Date Weekday Holiday Type
New Year’s Day January 1 Tuesday US Holidays /National
Martin Luther King Day January 21 Monday US Holidays /National
Belly Laugh Day January 24 Thursday US Holidays
Groundhog Day February 2 Saturday US Holidays
Lincoln’s Birthday February 12 Tuesday US Holidays /National
Valentine’s Day February 14 Thursday US Holidays
Presidents Day and Washington’s Birthday February 18 Monday US Holidays /National
Mardi Gras Carnival March 5 Tuesday US Holidays
Daylight Saving March 10 Sunday US Holidays
St. Patrick’s Day March 17 Sunday US Holidays
April Fool’s Day April 1 Monday US Holidays
Good Friday April 19 Friday US Holidays
Easter April 21 Sunday US Holidays
Easter Monday April 22 Monday US Holidays
Earth Day April 22 Monday US Holidays
Cinco de Mayo May 5 Sunday US Holidays
Mother’s Day May 12 Sunday US Holidays /National
Armed Forces Day May 18 Saturday US Holidays
Memorial Day May 27 Monday US Holidays /National
Pentecost June 9 Sunday US Holidays
Pentecost Monday June 10 Monday US Holidays
Flag Day June 14 Friday US Holidays /National
Father’s Day June 16 Sunday US Holidays /National
Independence Day July 4 Thursday US Holidays /National
Parents’ Day July 28 Sunday US Holidays
Labor Day September 2 Monday US Holidays /National
Grandparents’ Day September 8 Sunday US Holidays
Patriot Day or September 11th September 11 Wednesday US Holidays
Stepfamily Day September 16 Monday US Holidays
Citizenship Day September 17 Tuesday US Holidays
Native American Day September 27 Friday US Holidays
Columbus Day October 14 Monday US Holidays /National
Boss’s Day October 16 Wednesday US Holidays
Sweetest Day October 19 Saturday US Holidays
Halloween October 31 Thursday US Holidays
Daylight Saving November 3 Sunday US Holidays
Veterans’ Day November 11 Monday US Holidays /National
Thanksgiving November 28 Thursday US Holidays /National
Black Friday November 29 Friday US Holidays
Cyber Monday December 2 Monday US Holidays
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day December 7 Saturday US Holidays
Christmas Day December 25 Wednesday US Holidays /National
New Year’s Eve December 31 Tuesday US Holidays

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